Diablo 4 was announced back at BlizzCon 2019, but since then, details have been pretty thin on the ground for the hotly-anticipated sequel. While we’re expected to learn more about the game at Blizzconline 2021 via a few in-depth panels, we have to settle for the few tidbits we know about the game so far until then.
Over the past few months, Blizzard has revealed bits and pieces of the game’s design, and a blog post from the developer shows off some of the major changes to the game’s itemization system, which is arguably the core of the Diablo experience. According to the post, perhaps the biggest change coming to the itemization system is the removal of Mythic tier loot. Instead, they’ll be replaced with Uniques, items that always appear with the same “affixes,” Diablo’s term for the properties and bonuses found on items in the game.